Fundraiser at Dixon Park 6th April - ROW for REACH

5 Apr by John Silveirinha

Dear Nippers/Members,

This Saturday 6/4, some Nipper parents and former and current rowers in the club will be teaming up with others in our community to row a marathon (42,195 m) in a fundraising event at the club. There are a few teams taking it seriously and others just getting in to do their best for a worthy cause. We will have two spare rowers for those that just want to stop by and help things along. Anyone at all interested in having a go at rowing on the day who are with the club, should stop by, so please pass the word around. We are seeking your support in presence, participation and/or donation.

The attached flyer and link below detail the charities involved and how you can make a donation. The row will start at 8:00 am and run until approximately 11:30am.

The background is that three of our members have participated independently in the marathon row over the last two years, simply wanting to support Reach Homeless Services, with local business Juice Plus doing the organising in support of this charity. On the back of that participation, and a collective desire to raise the profile of the event and the funds raised over time, the event is this year being moved to Dixon Park Surf Club, with donation proceeds now to be shared with our club. With the collective effort to grow, Juice Plus has kindly agreed to match any funds raised, dollar for dollar.

There will be a Juice Plus stall with products to trial and a number of volunteers from Reach Homeless Services to talk about the amazing work of this local charity. There will also be a fundraising bbq offering bacon and egg rolls. If you can help out with this, even for 30 mins if you just plan on stopping by, please let Matthew ( know.

If the kid’s sport is washed out and you are looking for a reason to get out and about in what looks like being the only dry window in the next few days, please stop by the club. Kids from as young as 4 have loved the chance to get on and have a go in previous years and all will be welcomed. If you do join us, please make sure you share the donation link with family and friends.

Thank you
(link for donations)

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